The Future of Big Data Analytics is an Excel-Like Spreadsheet
Spreadsheet applications like Excel are great tools for data analytics. However, they don’t scale for Big Data - an analyst cannot easily load millions of rows and columns for analysis.
In our opinion, the future of Big Data analytics is an Excel-like application (re)evaluating formulas and (re)generating live charts from billions of cells evolving in real-time, or from historical snapshots of the past.
It may sound simple, but in reality it requires complete rethinking and redesigning of an underlying database management system. Underlying database should be:
- a real-time parallel computation engine (not just a data storage);
- ACID transactional (with no compromises on consistency);
- elastically scalable (to thousands of geo-distributed servers);
- visually accessible from browser (not only via APIs);
- non-relational (more human-friendly than SQL);
- reactive (pushing data changes to UI in real-time).
The last two items, non-relational data model and reactivity, are the most important trends for database management systems of the Big Data era. We recognized them in the course of creation of Nezaboodka technologies, which are aimed to significantly improve productivity of Big Data management, analysis, and visualization.
Nezaboodka Database has an object-oriented data model and an Excel-like user interface, making it a perfect tool for Big Data Analytics.